
For dVerse OpenLinkNight. Short and sweet. Share your poem, long or short, polished or still in progress.

That vast space between
a gibbous moon,
philosophy failed,
and there I laid you
down, I laid you down.

38 thoughts on “Alterity

  1. excellent short verse…nice musicality to it as well…the repetition in the end is great…the distance, nice the way you show it as well…but then again, you got what you got…smiles.


  2. I know the words could conjure many a meaning, but I felt like at a funeral, or at least the vision of onem representing something else. But the feeling is strong, and point well made. No more words needed at a time like this. Excellente


  3. Thanks Laurie, it's enjoyable to pare down a poem to the essentials. This actually started out a much longer piece, but I cut words out and left the space between.


  4. Thanks Henry–that's part of the fun, especially with short poems. Plenty of space for interpretation. I like the way you read this. The lines “Under / a gibbous moon” were originally “Yet under / a gibbous moon”–the “yet” would probably remove the ambiguity, but the more I think of it as I'm writing this comment the more I like the ambiguity. Thanks!


  5. I do find it amazing how so much can be said, felt, and awakened in such few words. lovely. (it's been awhile since I toyed with geometric sequences and series…I can only begin to imagine what fun that homework help must have been.)


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