
It’s been awhile. For Three Word Wednesday. Prompt words Demand, Navigate, Crinkle.


There they are again.
Faint thuds, incessant,
demanding attention
like an unlatched
barn door banging
in the winter wind.
Perhaps that’s all it is:
a door ajar;
or a pile-drive
pounding columns
for the overpass
that will (we are promised)
help us navigate
the snarling traffic;
or the boy two streets down,
imagining a game
on the line, dribbling slowly
as he readies for the
final shot.

But I deceive myself.
I know if I travel
forty miles southwest,
past the spoiled Ogeechee
and tangled pines,
I’ll see
mangled earth,
I’ll feel
air crinkle
with concussive
power. Ft. Stewart trains
for death. Soon
they’ll set their sights
on flesh, on foreign
barns and bridges,
just as hopeful as
my neighbor kid that
practice pays off.

4 thoughts on “Practice

  1. The intrusions of life can sometimes pound on the head like a soccer ball..I like how you escape to the wilderness..either literally or in your is a practice that helps in life..that's for sure..good to have you back on TWW! Jae


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